This guide aims to enrich the efforts of parliaments and their civil society counterparts to engage in collaborative processes aimed at developing and implementing openness commitments, either as part of the OGP process or otherwise. The first section focuses on the development of open parliament commitments in NAPs and the variety of ways that parliaments can engage in and around OGP. The second section shares the experiences of a variety of parliaments and CSOs in collaborating in the creation of parliamentary openness commitments and in developing ongoing mechanisms for dialogue on openness. The final section shares some of the types of commitments that parliaments have made to become more open, accountable and engaging of citizens. It also lists additional resources that can be drawn upon to advance parliamentary openness.
Given that parliamentary engagement in OGP and on openness reform generally continues to evolve, updates will be regularly incorporated into the guide, which should be seen as a living document. In order to best capture current good practice, community contributions, suggestions, and revisions are welcome. To contribute to this resource, please email [email protected] to provide comments and suggestions.
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