About Vietnam OGP Working Group


The Vietnam OGP working group, established in 2014, is a consortium of local organizations and individuals sharing interests and enthusiasm for promoting OGP in Vietnam.

The group members share the view that OGP benefits the nation while providing opportunities for the people to participate and contribute extensively to innovation process and sustainable development of the country. The group believe that OGP will attract the attention the whole society as its goals and actions are in line with the urgent demand for enhanced transparency, good governance and corruption prevention in our country, OGP will contribute to addressing the current challenges in governance as well as help Vietnam integrate more deeply into the international arena, enhance its credibility and draw on resources and international support for Vietnam in promoting good governance and corruption prevention.

Working on a voluntary basis to promote OGP process in Vietnam, the group developed its code of conduct and committed to respecting those principles in the code so as to strengthen and protect the credibility of the group as well as its members.


The Vietnam OGP working group envisions that there are more governments strengthening its publicity, transparency and accountability while providing good public services to its citizen. To achieve this, there is a need for changes in social and cultural norms and policies to ensure that there is genuine dialogue and cooperation between the government and civil society. The group expect that our government will recognize the importance of OGP and soon become part of this global initiative.