Frequent Questions and Answers

Question: What is open government partnership? Answer: The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. Click here for more information Question: When was OGP introduced…


To become a member of OGP, participating countries must endorse a high-level Open Government Declaration, deliver a country action plan developed with public consultation, and commit to independent reporting on their progress going forward. GOVERNMENTS: Governments interested in participating in the Open Government Partnership will go through a formal…


In the spirit of multi-stakeholder collaboration, OGP is overseen by a Steering Committee including representatives of governments and civil society organizations. The Committee guides the ongoing development and direction of OGP, maintaining the highest standards for the initiative and ensuring its long-term sustainability. The OGP Support Unit, which…


OPEN GOVERNMENT Open government is the governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight.[1] In its broadest construction it opposes reason of state and other considerations, which have tended to legitimize extensive…

OGP Minimum Eligibility Criteria

OGP’s eligibility data is updated by OGP Support Unit in the first quarter of each year, using the most up-to-date information from each data source available at that time. There are four OGP Minimum Eligibility Criteria. 1. Fiscal Transparency The timely publication of essential budget documents forms the basic…

Fight against corruption requires accountability mechanisms

Lưu Bình Nhưỡng, a permanent member of the NA Commission for Social Affairs, speaks to the newspaper Kinh tế & Đô thị (Economic and Urban Affairs) on imperative of feasible strategies to win the fight against corruption A report released by the Government on the fight against embezzlement and corruption…