In 2014, an Independent Expert Advisory Group, at the request of the UN Secretary-General, compiled a report outlining the plans for a data revolution for sustainable development. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has long declared open data as a focus area in order to achieve transparent and accountable governance.Such initiatives reflect global recognition of the potential of open data for sustainable development. The Open Data for Development Network, is a part of this trend and brings together leaders in the field of open data to develop and research solutions.
In the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region, open data is having a growing influence on development processes as governments, civil society and the private sector
realize the potential for inclusive growth that open data can unleash. The aim of this brief is to provide an overview of open data initiatives in the EECA region and an assessment of the early results of these initiatives. Moreover, it contributes to the debate on the use of open data in development, to monitor and help achieve the SDGs, and shine a light on open data initiatives in the EECA region.
Read the report
Source: ODECA