What is the Spectrum of Public Participation?
The Spectrum of Public Participation was developed by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) to help clarify the role of the public (or community) in planning and decision-making, and how much influence the community has over planning or decision-making processes. It identifies five levels of public participation…
Fight against corruption requires accountability mechanisms
Lưu Bình Nhưỡng, a permanent member of the NA Commission for Social Affairs, speaks to the newspaper Kinh tế & Đô thị (Economic and Urban Affairs) on imperative of feasible strategies to win the fight against corruption A report released by the Government on the fight against embezzlement and corruption…
Toolkit for Advancing Legislative Openness
This guide aims to enrich the efforts of parliaments and their civil society counterparts to engage in collaborative processes aimed at developing and implementing openness commitments, either as part of the OGP process or otherwise. The first section focuses on the development of open parliament commitments in NAPs…
OGP Point of Contact Manual (2017)
In the four years since the launch of the Open Government Partnership, reformers around the world have been using their OGP participation to make change happen. Over 2500 individual open government reforms have now been pledged via OGP, and many of them are already having a significant impact…
Digital Transformation in public sector towards a digital government
The fourth industrial revolution is gaining momentum in recent years with the popularity of broadband and digital transformation. Digital transformation In 2017, the digital transformation will become a “digital typhoon” with great impact on technology and everyday life. According to Gartner, by 2020 there will be hundreds of…
From Informing To Empowering: Best Practices And Recommendations For Improving Government-Civil Society Interactions Within OGP
Civic engagement is at the heart of OGP. However given the nascence of the initiative, we are still learning about the extent and the way governments and the civil society interact within the framework of OGP. This report contributes to this knowledge and examines the critical factors for the success…
Open data for sustainable development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
In 2014, an Independent Expert Advisory Group, at the request of the UN Secretary-General, compiled a report outlining the plans for a data revolution for sustainable development. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has long declared open data as a focus area in order to achieve transparent and accountable governance.Such initiatives reflect…